TwilightRayvn's Journal

TwilightRayvn's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


1 entry this month

Question Survey

11:31 Sep 26 2011
Times Read: 433

1) Ready for questions not asked in other surveys?

Yep. Fire away.

2) Is the last person you kissed yours?

I don't give kisses to people. Bleh. But I do give kisses to my cat. He's totally mine. *snickers*

3)Your last kiss probably meant nothing, right?

To my cat, he means the world to me.

4) Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance?

Nope. I'm not one of those violent type people that needs to punch things to take care of things like that.

5) Do you own a pair of uggs?

First off, no. Second off, I don't even know what the hell those look like.

6) What are your plans for tomorrow?

Well today's a new day really. It's just past 5a. Today...uh....I don't know. Just relaxing on my last day off.

7) Can you get over people easily?

Honestly, I'd love to say yes but I'd be lying if I said so.

8) So, what do you want for your birthday?

Honestly I don't know. I just want everyone that cares to say happy birthday. That's all I wish for. I don't need presents to be happy.

9) If you had a chance would you forgive an old best friend?

I already have forgiven her for how she acted towards me but she still walked away. I just wish she would see how she had acted and apologize. I still wish we were friends.

10) Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?


11) How was your weekend?

It was pretty good.

12) Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?

I knew one person that was a classmate that shared a birthday with me. Other than that, I don't know anyone besides Kieran. And a couple of my other characters I have given birthdays to share mine.

13) How do you feel right now?

A little tired and a little blah.

14) Do you like your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend?

Well my two really good best friends don't have significant others, but one is really hoping to get one soon. And my other best friend has one. I've never met him but he sounds like a very nice guy for her.

15) Are you a mean person?

Totally opposite. I'm a very nice person (unless you get on my bad side).

16) Do you believe once a cheater, always a cheater?

That's a hard one. I'd have to say that once can be forgiven I suppose but repeated, get the hell out.

17) Interested in anyone at the moment?


19) Do you hide your feelings or show them?

Sadly I hide them more than I show (at least for some people). Just some don't understand me or they don't even want to deal with my issues so I just hide them.

20) Do you like to have long hair or short hair?

It's kind of medium but I'm working on making it longer.

21) What would you do if you received a long love letter?

I'd have to say I don't know what I'd do. I'd just be surprised.

22) Group dates or single dates?

As I've never been on a date, I don't know.

23) When you're being kissed do you like it when they hold your face?

I've never been kissed by a lover type person and I hate kisses to begin with so ewwww.

24) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?

I've never met the right person and have no interest in anyone of that sort. I'm an Aromantic Asexual.

25) Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?


26) Have you dated the person you texted last?

Nope. I don't think that would be right to date my mother.

27) Is good grammar attractive?

To me it is. It shows intelligence to me. Granted I know not everyone has the same level of being able to spell and do grammar like myself (teachers were always amazed at my higher levels than most others in my class as I went through school) but to try at least is good. To just be flat out lazy and constantly do shorthand and such...yeah.....no.

28) What are you good at?

Writing, reading, and learning things. And getting better at cooking. And I'm good at cleaning.

29) Have you ever kissed an ex after you broke up?

Never had an ex and I hate kisses.

30) Have you ever fallen asleep in someone's arms?

My mom's.

31) Would you say you are complicated?

Some might think I'm complicated for certain things but I think I'm overall simple on many things.

32) What gets you mad the most?

Hmm...probably just idiots in general and close-minded people.

33) Is love really worth fighting for?

I'd have to say yes for some things.

34) When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?

Uh when I went to my cousin's grandpa's birthday dinner the other day I gave him a hug.

35) Ever been called a b + witch - w?

Why not just say bitch? And yes I have.

36) If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?

*tries to think of anything to change* Um...nope.

37) Ever had your heart broken?

Yes I suppose but not by love. Just by friends no longer talking and such.

38) Were you happier now or three months ago?

Honestly I'd have to say I'm happier now than three months ago. Quite honestly, I was depressed.

39) Has anyone ever said they were in love with you?

Nope. I've had guys that just messaged me on MyYearbook after like five minutes say they loved me and I just laugh saying they don't because they don't even know me. I don't throw the word love around so freely.

40) Do you think relationships are hard?

Relationships (regardless of being lovers, friendship, or family) can be hard sometimes.

41) Have you ever tried to break someone up?

Nope. That's just stupid.

42) Ever break someone's heart?


43) How many piercings do you have?


44) What are you excited for?


45) Do you give out 2nd chances way too easily?

Yes and no. Depends on the situation, I might.

46) In June were you in a relationship?


47) Were you in sports when you were little?


48) Is there anyone you wish you could be spending time with right now?

At the moment, yes and no. Only a couple of people would understand what I mean with the yes despite always being there with me.

49) Do you like mustard?


50) Do you get along with your parents?

Mom, yes. Dad...sometimes.

51) What kind of tea do you like the most?

Darjeeling, green, and a few others (that are decaf of course).

52) Are you a party person?

Nope. Honestly I hate parties unless with a small group of friends. But get a huge group of people I don't know and I'm a wallflower.

53) Do you play with dead bugs?

Sometimes. I'm not afraid of bugs like some girls that go 'ewwww' or scream at.

54) Have you been disappointed recently?

Yes and no.

55) Has anyone ever drunk called/texted you?


56) Are you more laid back or perfectionist?


57) Do you like to cuddle?


58) What grade is the last person you texted in?

My mom's been out of school for years.

59) Do you remember who you liked on New Year's?

Yeah. No one.

60) Think back to this time last year, were you happy?

Yes and no. Yes because I was getting ready to finish college classes but no because of some drama still going on as well as I wouldn't be going to school anymore and I would miss all my classmates.

61) Do you honestly have any feelings at ALL for anyone?

No I don't have any romantic feelings for anyone period. As friends or family, yes I do.

62) Last time you laughed your head off?

At Yusuke when he was being a goofball yesterday.

63) Your friend kisses the boy/girl you like, what do you do?

Seeing as I don't like anyone in that way, I can't answer this.

64) Last thing you said out loud?

Hi Yoko baby. Come to say hi to me? *this as he comes up and lays down next to me on the couch*

65) What do you want right this second?

I want....a five pound box of $100. XD

66) How are you sitting?

Leaning against the couch arm with my feet stretched across the couch and my laptop sitting on the arm of the couch.

67) When you scribble on paper, what do you scribble?

Honestly I haven't scribbled anything on paper in a while. And who says I scribble?

68) Where is your family?

*points in the direction of her parent's house* Five miles that way. *points in the other direction* Aunt is three miles that way. *points towards downtown* Other aunt is three miles that way. *points in cousin's house* Uh...I want to say maybe six or seven miles that way. The rest are out of city. *picks up her cat* And right here with me.

69) Can I have your number?

Haha. Nice try.

70) Do certain alcohols make you have different emotions and what?

Seeing as I don't drink, I don't know and will never know. I just know when I did try a little bit to drink (only barely buzzed) I got even more giggly. And a very bad headache and then sleepy. Again, having sugar issues is not a good idea for those to drink (diabetics and hypoglycemics--I'm hypo). And I don't need it to feel good and it saves my liver and keeps uric acid down so I don't get gout because of the high sugar content alcohol has.

71) If you could change one thing this year about your life, would you?

Honestly I don't think I'd want to change anything. I've already had a bit of a change back the end of June and slowly my life is starting to change for the better, little by little. And I'm grateful for Nyx every day for helping me with that.

72) Does it bother you when people try to make you jealous?

Yes and no. Yes because some things they try rubbing in my face is just plain mean. No because most things I never get jealous for with things that people normally would want to make people jealous with (i.e. having a significant other--I don't care about that stuff).

73) Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?

Nope. I have to work at 4:30a.

74) Last December, what was your love life like?

Non-existent as usual. I'm an Aro Ace so I have no feelings towards either gender so I have no love life.

75) Would you ever eat a bug for 1,000 dollars?


76) What's your favorite number?


77) Do you think if you died that the last person you kissed would even care?

Seeing as I don't like kisses and don't give kisses, I can't answer this.

78) Are you nice to everyone?

Yes I'm nice to everyone unless they do something to piss me off or don't respect me then no I will not be nice and respectful.

79) What were you doing at 8:00am?

*looks at the clock* It's a few minutes before 6a. At 8a, I'll probably still be sitting here watching some TV.

80) What would you say if someone told you they were in love with your brother?

Well someone already has and she's my future sister-in-law. *grins*

81) Are you missing anyone?

At the moment...not really.

82) Who is the girl you can count on the most?

I have a couple. They know who they are. *grins*

83) Will you be in a relationship one month from now?


84) Honestly, are things going the way you planned?

Well they might not be going exactly as I planned but they are on a decent track and slowly starting to get better on some things. And again, I'm grateful for what Nyx has done for me and thank her every day.

85) What are you listening to at the moment?

The news.

86) Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them?

Uh...the last person I held hands with....was....my mom I think. And even so, I don't like kisses.

87) Is the last person of the opposite sex you texted single?

My brother? Nope.

88) What happened before you went to bed last night?

I petted my cat and he actually laid on my chest instead of at my feet.

89) How would you feel about traveling abroad alone?

O___O I'm a traveler's nightmare. Motion sickness. Boats, trains, cars....never been on a plane but I hate heights and enclosed spaces so yeah....I'm screwed. And alone.....*eye twitch*

90) List three things near you.

My bowl of salad that's still in there I've been picking at sick 3:30a, my cat at my feet sleeping, and my glass of water.

91) Do you curse a lot?

Damn straight I do at times.

92) Without saying any names what is one thing that you would like to say to someone?

Hmm...there's much I'd like to say but the one I'd say it to wouldn't be seeing this as she deleted me off her friends list a long time ago. But I'd just like to say that even though we've had our rough patches in the past, I don't hold any harsh feelings towards her and wish we were still friends.

93) Are girls too dramatic?

Yes most girls are. I should know, I'm a girl. But I'm unlike typical girls who hold grudges and take everything in the most dramatic sense. I prefer no drama.

94) Where is the person who has your heart at the moment?

Sitting at my feet, curled up, and snoozing.

95) Would you date someone who lived in another state?

If I dated, maybe. But since I don't, nope.

96) When's the last time you said you were fine, but really weren't?

Sadly a lot of times I say I'm fine, I'm not. But they believe me instead of looking straight into my eyes and seeing I'm lying and asking what's wrong.

97) Have you ever laid on a bed and stayed there for no reason at all?


98) If you had one wish what would it be?

Honestly, I don't know what I'd wish for. There's several things I could wish for but they're really not selfish. They're more for others to be happy in whatever they do. The only thing I could honestly wish for is complicated to explain. And only a few understand what I'm speaking about.

99) What would you do if you found out one of your friends was going for the person that you liked?

Well seeing as I don't like anyone, I can't honestly answer this. Though I suppose in the past I had one such case. And I just smiled and congratulated them while inside I thought 'I'm too late. I wish them happiness.'.

100) Honestly, whose numbers do you have memorized?

My parents' and brother's, my own, and a few others.

101) Do you usually have a smile on your face, or are you a serious person?

I usually have a smile on my face.

102) Where were you Friday night at 10 pm? With who?

Let's see Friday at 10p? I was sleeping in my bed (because I had to work at 4:30a) with my cat at my feet.

103) Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?

My mom (for the person). My cat (well he's still my baby and I treat him like a person).

104) When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?

Saturday my cousin's grandpa gave me a hug and I back to him to say happy birthday.

105) Is there a song that every time you hear it, you think of someone?

There's plenty of songs that I hear that remind me of certain people (or my characters too).

106) So, will you be sleeping on the floor tonight?

Technically I sleep on the floor every night with only a mattress between me. Seriously. I sleep on a mattress on the floor.

107) Are you ready for kids now?

Nope. I don't want kids. Human kids anyways. *points to her cat* He's my kid. Who says they have to be human?

108) The last person that made you angry, did you tell them?


109) Do your parents really know you?

Mom knows a lot but some things I still keep to myself. As for my dad...well if he knew I was LGBTQ friendly, he'd disown me (though I'm sure he knows because I get this pissed look on my face when he goes making rude comments about LGBTQ people). In fact, having been a Biromantic Asexual (with only like two people liking at one time and since then nothing making me an Aromantic), he would've disowned me. And then again he doesn't think Asexuals exist so again, he'd never accept me. So yeah...everything about me he'd never accept so I keep it to myself.

110) Is love really a beautiful thing?

I suppose for some people it is.

111) Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

Depends on what they did.

112) Believe in love at first sight?


113) Is the person you have feelings for at least a bit cute?

Seeing as I'm an Aro Ace and have no feelings towards anyone, nope.

114) Do you have a member of the opposite sex you can tell anything to?


115) Could you go the rest of your life without a cigarette?

I've never had one and ain't starting ever.

116) Random number texts you at 4AM and says "come outside." What do you do?

Well seeing as I'm in my car at 4a driving to work, too bad.

117) What's your favorite thing to do in the summer time?

Um....I don't know. I like swimming but in the evening/night because the day is too bright and hot.

118) Has anyone laid on your bed besides you?

Yeah I've had people lay on it before.

119) Do you pick out your outfits in advance?


120) Choose between a million bucks or being able to change a regret?

Seeing as I have no regrets give me the money.

121) Do you find the opposite sex confusing?


122) Would you rather your partner have gorgeous eyes or a gorgeous smile?

Either works but then again I have no partner so yeah.....

123) Are you really, truly, completely happy with your life?

I'm happy with what I have at the moment. It's the most I could ask for as it gets slowly better over time thanks to Nyx.

124) Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a C, R, K or H

Nope. I hate kisses.

125) Do you have something in your room that you never want to get ruined?

YES! I have lots of things I'd rather not have ruined.

126) Who were the last two girls you texted?

My mom and Jess.

127) Do you remember the last boy you texted?

My brother.

128) Have you ever made a difference in someone's life?

I'm sure I have made a difference in someone's life. I know I have people that have made a difference in my life whether they know it or not.

129) Would you rather be called hot, cute, or beautiful?

Beautiful. Call me hot or sexy and I get pissed.

130) Did you wake up before 8am this morning?

*looks at the clock reading 6:19a* I've been up since 2:30a.

131) Are you addicted to texting?

Not really. I prefer typing on the computer better because I'm faster. But I'll text over talking (to most people except like a couple that I don't mind talking with).

132) Are you an outgoing person, or are you more reserved?


133) Do you like the rain?

Yes I love the rain.

134) What is the most exciting place you have been to this year?

*ponders* I'd have to say....um.....the Mercs practices I've had the chance to go to as well as Silverleaf. And getting the chance to go back to Marshall and seeing the shops with Cass.

125) Explain in detail exactly what you were doing four hours ago:

Well let's see it's 6:21a now...so 2:21a...I was just about to get up.

126) Does your phone have to be charged every day?


127) Have you ever lived with your girlfriend/boyfriend?

Seeing as I've never had one, no.

128) Do you secretly like someone?


129) Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?

*blinks* Uh...seeing as I hate kisses and don't give people kisses, no one.

130) Would you be happy if you found out you were getting a new sibling?

O__O My mom can't have any more. If by adoption, that would be interesting. But she won't adopt as it's too expensive. But in marriage type with getting new siblings...YAY!!

131) Would you ever date someone who was absolutely gorgeous but thought they were better than everyone?


132) Do you have an older brother?


133) Do you know anyone who smokes weed?


134) Have you faced any of your fears lately?

Uh...sort of yes, sort of no.

135) Who was the last person to comfort you as you cried?

My mom.

136) How do you feel about girls smoking?

That's their choice. I don't smoke but if they want to, that's their choice.

137) Are you going out of town soon?

To my knowledge, no.

138) Would you rather have one love, or many short relationships?

One love.



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